A unique Direct Fed Microbials Feed Supplement for Poultry
The product is free from Antibiotics, Nitrofuran, Chloramphenicol, Melamine and Genetically Modified Organisms.
Lactic acid bacillus
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus licheniformis
Bacillus megaterium
Bacillus mesentricus
Bacillus polymyxa
Fortified with saccharomyces boulardii
Total viable count: 5000 billion spores/kg
Administration: (Poultry/Through Drinking water)
Chicks : 20gm/1000 birds daily for first 5-7 days.
Thereafter 10gm/1000 birds.
Growers/Layers : 20gm/1000 birds once a week.
Breeders/Broilers: 10gm/1000 birds daily
In feed
Broilers/Layers/Breeders : 100gm/tonne of feed.
Dissolve 100gm in 2 Ltrs. of clean water & spray on 5000 chicks immediately on hatching or on arrival at the farms.
Storage: Keep in a dark cool place.
Always keep the packing properly closed after use.
Change in colour of product will not affect performance/quality.
Presentation : 100g, 500g, 1kg, 25kg.